One of the things I miss the very most while being on a mission is my Utah mountains. I absolutely love being outside, hiking, camping, swimming, running, climbing, you name it. I love the feeling of being completely exhausted after a long day of exploring. I love to be outside because it gives me chances to think.
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” -Dr. Seuss
This reminded me of gaining a testimony. My testimony came step by step, one mountain trail at a time, you could say. Was it easy? No, generally not. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
In life I feel like we are always climbing mountains. These mountains can lead to some of our most treasured memories and experiences, but the journey there is what makes the view at the top worth it. Like I mentioned earlier, often times it's things that have to be felt as much as seen.
Gaining a testimony is much the same way. It can be difficult. We may not know which route to take. We might look at that mountain and think... NO WAY!!! But, as we take the mountain one step at a time, we find ourselves climbing. We can look back and see the progress we make. The top is often hidden from our view, but as we keep walking, we show our faith that the top will come.
And when we hit the top, what a view!
As we excercise faith in Jesus Christ, repent of our sins, be baptized with the Priesthood Authority of God, and receive the Holy Ghost, we have entered into the path where we can endure to the end, and eventually reach that peak of eternal life living with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again.
Gaining a testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ, is the most important thing we can gain in this life. We can come to know Him through the restored gospel. Jesus Christ lives!! He has a prophet on the earth today, President Thomas S. Monson. The life we can have if we follow His teachings is similar to the beauty of the view at the top of the mountain. It isn't the easy road, and it isn't the road most choose to follow, but those who choose to follow Jesus Christ will find a peace and joy that cannot be compared to anything else.